Thursday, January 20, 2005

Warp Speed, Mr. Scott!

Here I sit (not broken hearted), contemplating the breakneck speed with which things have progressed. When my chemo starts on Monday the 24th, it will have been less than a month since my first visit to the urologist. I could drive myself nuts with all the "what if" scenarios:

- What if I had discovered the lump a week before?
- What if we hadn't planned a trip to Atlanta the week after Christmas?
- What if MLK hadn't pushed the chemo schedule back a week?
- What if we had decided to bank sperm?

I fear that time will slow to an imperceptible crawl for the next three months.


Andrew Molenda said...

The three months of BEP definately take a toll, just remember that it's killing the cancer and it's a temporary situation. Having a good sense of humor about all you have to endure will help.