Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A blast from the past

Got this in my inbox today from my folks' former neighbors. This picture is so old, it should be in black & white!

The kid behind me (Robert) is now a freshman in college, and the one in front (Katherine) is old enough to ride a m/c herself.

Plus, I'm wearing a watch -- a Swatch diving watch -- to further date things. I haven't worn a watch since July 1998, which, not coincidentally, is when Sarah and I were officially engaged. (Our marriage was a foregone conclusion from the time we started dating, at least in our own minds.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Frankie, just looking at the picture and that sure looks like either Donna or Diana seated in front of you but you are saying it someone named Catherine, are you sure??? just wondering...
Yes things do sure look bleak down in New Orleans, was talking to Aunt Catherine Bono, do you remember her) anyway she remembers quite clearly when she and Uncle Lorry visited you guys down there and was saying how nice it was and so on and what a shame it is, and we just cant do a thing but pray and donate and all...they will rise again bigger and better you watch.......well thats it for now, just wondering about that picture tho.....